Friday, January 22, 2016

Say it with shirts!

Congratulations to Class 22 for winning the BEST CAMPAIGN.  Because of your hard work, compliments and happiness were spread around GLPS.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Week 3 Star Performers

This week's Star Performers who deserve recognition for working hard and contributing to their class campaign are Misung (Tina), Jin Kyu (Jason) and Jeong-Myeong (Shine).   They were awarded with a green card and a star on our Wall of Fame!

Congratulations and keep up the hard work!



Class Performance

Class 22: Compliments aren’t Complicated: Just say it!

Opening MC (Shine)- Hello ladies and gentlemen. My name is Shine and Ill be your opening MC for the today. We are Class 22 and our campaign is Compliments arent Complicated. Our motto is Just say it, and today we will show you how important compliments are. First, we will present a play called Compliment Wars: Compliments Strike Back. Then, we will show you a video about a special compliment project. Finally, our closing MC Misung will wrap things up. Please enjoy our play.

(Play video clip-Star Wars)
PLAY Compliments Strike Back
<Scene 1>
(Pororo and Crong)
Pororo (Jason): Crong clean the floor!!
Crong (Ray): Crong, Crong!!
Pororo(Jason): Okay, now do the laundry.
Crong(Ray): Crong, Crong!
Pororo(Jason): Hey Crong, get some ramen for me.
(Crong fails making ramen, puts in too much water and tries to make another one)
Pororo (Jason): (Shouting) Why did it take so long, you dumb green dinosaur!!
Crong (Ray): (Hurry and bring ramen to Pororo)
Pororo (Jason): It tastes awful!
Crong (Ray): (MAD) Crong!!!!! (Goes out)

<Scene 2>
(Eddy and Rody)
Eddy : Turn on the heater.
Rody : (Turn on)
Eddy : Why is it so hot?
Rody : (turn off)
Eddy : Why is it so cold?
Rody : (Sigh) (Go out)

Pororo and Eddy meets and go to the Pobis house. Pobi, Patty, Rupy are in Pobis house.

<Scene 3>
Pororo and Eddy : Guys!! We need some advice!
Pobi : What happened?
Pororo and Eddy : Crong and Rody disappeared!
Pobi (Ian) : What did you do to them?
Pororo (Jason) : I asked Crong to do some things and he was not good at it.
So I said you dumb green dinosaur.
Eddy : I asked Rody to turn on the heater. But he was not good at controlling the temperature so I shouted at him.
Pobi (Ian) : Thats a problem guys.
Rupy : Have you heard about the Free Compliments campaign run by Class 22?
Pororo (Jason) and Eddy : No.
Patty (Patricia): Its a campaign about giving free compliments.
Rupy : Yeah. You should give more compliments to them.
Patty (Patricia): Also, Class 22,  gave students compliment bracelets and cards to announce the campaign (Show bracelets and cards)
Rupy : They also put posters all around KMLA and many students wrote compliments like this.
(Show paper)
Pobi (Ian): you should give them more compliments.
Pororo and Eddy : Okay.

(Pororo and Eddy go to play ground and meet Rody and Crong)
Pororo (Jason) : Im sorry Crong Your house work is very good.
Eddy : Me too Rody. I will not nag you anymore. You are perfect.
Crong and Rody : Crong! (Machine sounds)

<Scene 4>
All characters are singing & dancing.

Video Presenter-(Seo)
Hello. We are Class 22’s Media and Promotion Team. As our team’s presenter, I’ll be introducing our video ‘Love the Way You Compliment’. From watching our play, you all know that our campaign is about compliments, and how it has a positive influence on people. We are literally going to show that in our video! We hope you enjoy.
Closing MC (Misung)-
Did you enjoy our play and video? We wanted to show the importance of compliments.  Now I’d like to explain what we actually did in our campaign to spread compliments around GLPS.
The most important part of our campaign was the “Bracelet Challenge”.  We gave bracelets and compliment cards to students and teachers at GLPS and they spread compliments to other people.  We also made several compliment boards and saw lots of compliments written by GLPS students. 
With this campaign I believe we successfully spread compliments and happiness at GLPS but while giving out these compliments I heard an opinion that compliments should be natural and sincere and our campaign ignores that.  However what we actually wanted to do in our campaign was to encourage people to give compliments when people deserve them in order to encourage each other.  Compliments should be sincere however and come from your heart.

As we’ve shown you in our campaign, play and video, compliments make people smile. Everyone please just say it! Compliments aren’t complicated!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Star Performer

Class 22 is working very hard on creating a memorable campaign called "Compliments aren't Complicated: Just Say it!".  This week 2 hard working students were chosen as our Star Performers earning themselves a green card and a star on the Wall of Fame.  Keep up the great work class 22!

Congratulations Chae-Yeon Woo and Seung-Jun Rhee!



Digital Poster Completed!

Compliment Cards Completed!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Say it with CHALK

Class 22 took their campaign to the streets this week and created colorful messages around KMLA streets and walkways to share their campaign "Compliments are NOT Complicated: Just Say It!"

We hope you saw our work and read our messages before the rain or snow wash them away.  Here are some pictures to help keep the messages from fading away:

Media Team Introduction

Media Team

Hello World;D! This is the Media and Promotion team of the class 22. There are 4 members in our group.
Jun; Leader-He leads the team(#obviously)Rory; Researcher- She finds out information about the topic and decides what social media our team is going to use.
Hannah; Writer- She writes progress report or script for a video.
Seo; Publisher/ Presenter; She is the main presenter in the video and she posts things on the blog. Also, she helps the writer.

Now that I'm done introducing my team, I will tell you our goals/ ideas. Our goal is to promote our campaign to people by using SNS. We are going to do that by uploading our video about our campaign on Youtube, and share the video on SNS like twitter and facebook.

Art & Design Team Introduction

We are the art & design team. Our team's leader is Chelsea. She leads our team, and she helps our team members to finish their work. Our team's researcher is Jack. His responsibility is to find out the information that gives help to our team. Our teams writer is Erin. She writes the report for our team. She will write introductions about our posters. Last, our team's publisher/presenter is Ray. If the writer writes a report, he posts the report on our blog, and he will also post some pictures of us, or our posters.
Because we are the art & design team, we will be creating lots of ideas about posters or campaigns that we can do. For example, we are planning to make compliment cards that we can give to a lot of students. It will have a lot of compliments on it, and we will write our slogan on it. Our team will try our best.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Campaign Team Introduction

Hello, we are the Campaign Task Force team.
We have Shine, Jason, Ian and Irene on our team. Shine is our leader and presenter, Jason is the researcher, Ian is the blogger and Irene is the writer.
For our campaign, we already came up with the slogan which is 'Just Say It'.
We will draw side walk chalk art so that many people can see it. Class 22 will also wear a badge to share our campaign. As a campaign Performance Task Force team, we will be leading the presentation.

Hello, we are the Public Relations team. Public Relations team's job is to advertise our campaign to the public. Our team members are Patricia (leader), Misung (writer), Enna (researcher) and Iris (blogger). As a team, we are going to write some letters to organizations, company or people who are related to our campaign, which is Free Compliments. Also, we will create some challenges and advertise our team's activities using SNS. These are the things that we are going to do through our campaign. I hope this article can help you to understand the activities briefly. Thank you.